Luckily, I have a bit of a crutch, because I have a bit of a reason for launching the site this week. Today is the birthday of Lona, the main character in my science fiction series, "Stray." She turned...two and a half, I suppose, if you're counting back to when I first thought of her? Or she turned...sixteen or seventeen, the ages she is in the books? However many years old she is, I know December 15 is her birthday, because all of my characters' names are actually based on their birthdays. Lona starts with an L, because December is the 12th month of the year like L is the 12th letter of the alphabet. (For a whole explanatory post about how the names work, go here).
I'm a bad character-mom. I neglect my imaginary children all of the time. Just the other day, Lona was like, "Do you want to write a short story about me for Christmas?" And I was like, "No, I want to eat cinnamon cookies and watch White Christmas." But as slackerly as I am, even I can remember my protagonist's birthday. I can celebrate with presents, too. I decided to give away three signed copies of "Stray" to readers who Tweeted me (@MonicaHesse) about their favorite science fiction books. It's not too late to enter: I'll announce winners tomorrow. See, Lona? Mommy loves you after all.
*Call me Ishmael.